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Cats and diapers

John Davis

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I don't really have any useful advice, I just wanted to congratulate you on your new furry family member.  I have one cat and he doesn't really care too much about it.  I've never witnessed him sniffing around or acting different.  It's just part of my routine that's normal for him.  🐱👍


Cat's are pretty great. I've always been a "dog-person"  but the one I have is pretty good.  Very loyal, wants to be around me, doesn't mind that I can't move fast, or give him a ton of attention.  

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That's my experience as well. At worst you'll get 1 or 2 diapers shredded up. Just keep them somewhere the cat doesn't normally like to hide and you'll be ok.

It's dogs that will go after used diapers if you're not carefull. Always tossing them into a can with a lid will stop that too though.

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