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Everything posted by Slomo

  1. For the leg bag I can't recommend getting a leg bag sleeve well enough. It's elastic and comfortably holds a urine leg bag in place, even when it's near full. I got mine from Amazon as well. Also do an Amazon search for "adaptive shorts with side snaps". Some are more discrete than others and may require searching through the results.
  2. It's been a few years since I've flown for travel, but just today I flew to Niagara Falls NewYork for the upcoming solar eclipse. I had changed my diaper before heading to the airport, but being functionally incontinent I was a little wet going through security. And sure enough, as I went through the millimeter wave detector it flagged my crotch red. I was pulled into a private screen room and was matter-of-fact forward about my incontinence and that I was wearing a diaper. The agent was pretty chill out it, but said I'd have to show him. I did, and he said sorry-thank you, before I was on my way. Total time was only a few extra minutes. The funny thing is my go-to diaper is Crinklz (with the babyfur prints). They had a recent shortage though, and LL Medical had only just got Betterdry (plain white) back in, so I was wearing one of them. It would have been interesting to say the least if I was wearing my usual though. So does anyone else have any TSA or traveling-while-diapered stories?
  3. Been there, done that. I had severe urge incontinence with a neurogenig dyssynergia sphincter (blockage). The pain would get unbearable, and happened all too often. It tried it all, meds were ineffective and/or came with worse side effects. An interstim implant actually made things worse. And the only relief I ever had was when I was catheterized. Worst still was most urologist were quacks who refused to even believe I had a problem (I couldn't complete a urodynamics test by peeing out the catheter due to my blockage). Eventually I met a urologist at the Mayo Clinic, and he actually believed my complaints and worked with me to get that diagnosis. But I was so bad by that point I had multiple hemorrhoids, a bleeding anal fissure, gout, and indications my kidneys were in danger of shutting down. He wanted to do a stoma surgery (literally make a new pee hole), but i convinced him to do a series of sphincterotomy surgeries instead. He still hesitated saying the surgery would make me incontinent and reliant on diapers. But I countered it wouldn't since I had long ago already been urge incontinent and reliant on diapers. It ultimately took 15 surgeries, including removing my prostate! But I am finally able to live without constant pain. And with a plus of not floodings my diaeprs and worrying about leaks. Totally worth it. So yeah, you're not a freak for wanting to be diapered. Ps. I say when life gives you lemons, you learn to like lemonade. And when life gives you incontinence, you learn to like diapers.
  4. I've been where you are, and also had severe urge incontinence with a neurological dyssynergia sphincter (blockage). I too had botox done, twice. And each time it only made my problems worse. Which I also ended up with an indwelling catheter (IDC) for about 3 months when it wore off (not 6 months). I also had an Interstim implant, but that made things even worse. And forget all the useless meds I tried- and their bad side effects. The only time I was without pain or peeing problems was when I was cathed. As for comfort with them. Get a leg bag, AND with a sock/sack holder. Those straps don't work good, but the sock does. My urologist at the Mayo clinic eventually confirmed I'd be ok with the cath draining into a diaper. BIG caveat there though. You can't be prone to UTIs, have to drink cranberry or take cranberry pills every day, and must stay extremely well hydrated. So long as it's constantly flushing itself out, UTI risk stays pretty low. I'd also add, if you can get one, put a 1-way valve on the cath too. I did end up getting the surgery to become functionally incontinent. Which for me meant FIFTEEN sphincterotomy type surgeries. AND having my prostrate removed (due to developing a bad stricture blockage). I can confirm that being functionally incontinent (and stable) is MUCH better than living with constant painful urges and straining to pee.
  5. Yeah. I developed Gout by trying to restrict my water intake. It's a buildup of uric acid crystals in the hands and feet. And wow is it painful. I also had kidney problems from it too. You REALLY do not want to drink too little water. Bedwetting is nothing compared to Gout and Kidney failure.
  6. Yeah. When life gives you lemons you learn to like lemonade. And when life gives you incontinence issues you learn to like diapers. I've also never hidden I was abdl before I became incontinent. In a way that made things worse for me at first. I sort of felt like I was making up the excuse to wear diapers 24/7. Eventually I realized I loved wearing diapers AND legitimately needed them too. So embracing diapers was the best thing I've ever done.
  7. I'm really surprised by his response. You should never limit your water intake, and doing so can and will lead to a whole host of new problems. Heck, most any doctor will tell you to drink about 3 liters of fluids per day. And unfortunately yes, it is common to develop continence problems as we age. Especially in men over 40 as the prostrate enlarges.
  8. I've never been able to stay messy for very long. Mine are occasional flares of IBS-D though, which with a high acidity and runny consistency, is NOT the kind of mess you want to stay in for long.
  9. Incontinencesupport.org has a forum. Though about 10 years ago I got banned for saying diapers were a good thing and abdl isn'ta bad thing. So take them with a word of caution.
  10. I should also mention. I've found most urologists are all quacks who just like to throw pills at you to see if they will stick, or want to push some surgery they dont even know will help or not. I literally went through a dozen urologists in about 10 years. Not one of them even believed I had a problem, untill I met an actually competent urologist at the Mayo Clinic. If they refuse to listen to your concerns, can't seem to get past their own misdiagnosis, only want to consider pills or catheters, or just don't seem to remotely care. Those are all warning signs you need to drop them faster than the dead weight they are.
  11. I've had botox done twice. Once in the bladder wall to try and calm my urges. And a separate time in my external sphincter to try an weaken it so I wouldn't have to push so hard. Both times failed miserably and made me completely unable to pee. I had to be catheterization for 3 months while it wore off. And no, that behavior is unacceptable. You absolutely need to report him to a medical board or patient advocate. Then find a new urologist.
  12. What you eat will absolutely affect your bowell movements and smell. Though it also sounds like you may need an internal deodorizer. Chlorophyll tablets are the most common, sold at most any pharmacy, Amazon, etc.
  13. Too many times. Most commonly from a urologist than anyone else.
  14. That's my experience as well. At worst you'll get 1 or 2 diapers shredded up. Just keep them somewhere the cat doesn't normally like to hide and you'll be ok. It's dogs that will go after used diapers if you're not carefull. Always tossing them into a can with a lid will stop that too though.
  15. Lucky you? Truth be told, I can point down now too. But that's only after the urologists took my prostrate. Before that I was too "well endowed" and had to point up. Otherwise, even thinking about an erection was too painful to risk a kink in the hose.
  16. Taking antibiotics always gives me diarrhea. I can never trust it's just a fart when taking them. Thankfully I'm urinary incontinent (and abdl) so I'm always diapered anyways.
  17. Don't forget, when flying you can also check a bag of medical supplies for free (diapers absolutely qualify). Domestic or International. I always put them inside a duffle bag, and when returning I can usually stuff the bag in with my usual luggage. Just make sure the bag ONLY has medical supplies in it. They will check, and if it has anything else it won't qualify. I had a pair of dress shoes in with it once and they almost said no. I thought fast and said the shoes were specially made for high arches, as in medically. The agent didn't really buy it, but said ok anyways.
  18. It's all good. I've had to use worse diapers before, much worse. And the reality is everyone's body shape is slightly different. So not all brands will work for everyone. Though I believe you hit the proverbial nail on the head in going with a size medium. Wearing one size down will absolutely make the diaper fit tighter. Enough so to give a good enough seal around the legs even in spite of the lack of lower tapes. At least that's been my experience with wearing mediums as well. It comes at a tradeoff though. The diaper will have a very low rise, barely even extending up to one's hip/belt line, so leaks over the top become an issue (unless you point down, and change early enough). Having the back of the plastic shell split open becomes a sometimes problem too. And having such a tight fit, that when wet enough there's little room for the diaper to swell/expand, causing even more press out leaks. Let alone provide room enough for guys who are well endowed, and also need to point up. But like I said. Having this type of fit actually works for those with the right body shape. Enough people in fact that the manufacturers of these diaper types remain profitable. Which is great, and I'm all for it. Just not for me.
  19. Good luck on that. Not a single urologist was willing to listen to what I had wanted. Not until I had exhausted every possible alternative under the sun- and then some. And even then it took me over 15 years and a dozen urologists before I found one that finally would listen. One that was willing to entertain making me urinary functionally incontinent instead of urge incontinent with a painful blockage. I do believe what tipped the scale in my favor was stressing the surgery would bring an improvement in my quality of life. AND that the surgery would not make me irreversibly incontinent, since I already was (albeit of a different type of worse incontinence). Still, it took a whopping FIFTEEN sphincterotomy surgeries to get me there. Well, more like a dozen plus removing my prostrate, and an inch of my urethra (both due to a subsequent stricture blockage).
  20. TLDR: This diaper lacks a lower tape so premature leaks are expected to happen around the legs. The padding is too thin, so flooding will also result in leaks. This also makes it a poor diaper for side sleepers too. The tapes are actually too strong, which makes removing them problematic. The high sap content could potentially deliver their capacity rating, and also makes press out leaks less likely. Lastly, the landing zone tape outlines help with getting the best fit possible every time, but it's not wide enough to actually help. (pic attached). So I got my BeDry order a few days ago, and have been testing them out since. Unfortunately I was right about the "no lower tapes" problem, which almost always results in premature leaks- before even reaching half capacity. I've also noticed the padding on these diapers is laughably thin. They make up for the total claimed capacity by adding in a LOT more SAP (super absorbent polymer). I also took great note the diaper doesn't have a high enough rise in the front and back. Only rising up as high as my belt line, even though they should extend up too my actual waist line. So pointing up absolutely will result in leaks over the top "waist" band. The tapes are incredibly strong, really too strong. I've had gout in my left fingers, so I've had to use scissors just to remove them. This isn't the "diaper dimension" though, so the tapes really need to be removable by us all. Also, in order for me to get a good fit I've had to place the top tape partially above the landing zone, while angling the middle tapes a low as possible. This makes removing the top tapes even harder, sometimes resulting in tearing the outer shell. As for how they hold up to use, after about 6 hours I notice the front of the diaper becomes quite swollen with lots of loose and gelled sap. The padding starts separating and clumping by this time too. After about 8-10 hours the sap will be sagging towards the middle of the diaper. And if you're lucky enough to have it last 12 hours, the front of the diaper will have little to no material left. Having completely sagged towards the middle. The waistband elastics will have failed by this time too, and the diaper will be making every effort to succumb to gravity and slide completely off. Unfortunately, if you ever flood the diaper (like anyone with urge or overflow incontinence will have), then this diaper is not for you. The same for side sleepers too. My total bladder capacity is probably close to 50ml (the average bladder should be 300+ml). And for whatever reason, sleeping on my side tends to clamp shut my urethra. When that 50ml gets built up the pressure in my bladder will start to increase. Sometimes I wake up from it, sometimes I don't. Either way it will be enough to push past that slight clamping and I'll flood that 50ml all at once. Usually 3-5 times each night too. Each night I've tried BeDry, I've leaked at the front of the legs, which ever side I'm laying on. This happens when the diaper is wet only to about half way towards the back, at my second, or maybe third wetting. I've also leaked once over the top front of the diaper. Twice now I've had to get up early to change into a new BeDry or further catastrophic leaks would have been assured. During the day is a bit different. My diaper will get completely saturated in the front, and at least moderately wet in the middle. I once had the diaper wick pee up towards the back, even while sitting most of the time. At best, I'd say it was 66% fully saturated. At other times it was maybe 25% saturated. But in every case, the diaper I had on has leaked. Usually at the front of my legs, once at the back of my legs. As-is this diaper is good for maybe 8 hours. Any longer and chance for leaks will become high enough you just can't trust staying in it any longer. After all, the whole point of a diaper is for it to not leak. Today I've been testing the addition of my own lower tapes. It's already been 9 hours, and while the sap is definitely sagging there are no signs of the diaper trying to leak. Even with the middle of the diaper being extremely wet as well. The diaper sagging has not yet been a problem either. So this definitely confirms the need for those lower tapes. On a good note, the "whiff-x" core does work as promised with no detectable odor even after I've had it on for 12 hours. I really like the tapes outline on the landing panel too. It definitely helps with memorizing where the tapes are supposed to go for the best fit every time. Sadly this isn't enough for me to justify using them any more in the future. Once these run out, it's back to Crinklz for this behind.
  21. I've had it done, twice. My issue was severe urge incontinence with a neurogenic dyssynergia sphincter. Basically, I'd get a painful urge to go, but when I tried to relax my sphincter to go it would clamp down shut instead. I had to strain and push to pee, which was causing other problems too. I first had the botox injected into my bladder wall lining to try and calm the urges. It did work, except the botox also deadened my sphincter muscles, in their default clamped down mode, which made it even more difficult for me to pee. I ended up with an indwelling catheter for 3 months while it wore off. The second time I had a botox injection was into my sphincter muscles, with the hope they would be more open and less active. That completely failed, and again I was left unable to pee at all. And again I was catheterized for another 3 months. I refused any more attempts with botox, and pursued surgery (which subsequently worked to blow away my sphincter muscles and let me dribble pee all the time). Don't let my story dissuade you though, I have heard of others with success stories when trying botox.
  22. So I'm wondering, who will be traveling this year and how do you plan to handle the logistics of your incontinence? Like bringing or arranging for diaper supplies, how you plan to handle changing and disposal, and if you're staying with family do they know? My parents both died last year, so this year my wife and I will be skipping Christmas, treating it like any other day or staycation. But when we did go to visit them I used to drive to them (about a 4-5 hour drive), and they did know I was urinary incontinent and diapered, so I just brought my Crinklz diapers with me and changed in their bathroom when needed. I didn't try to hide it, but was respectful and always wore something over them to cover up. Used diapers weren't separately bagged, but did get tossed in with their kitchen trash (can had a lid).
  23. That diapers should not be expected to leak or need changing every 2 hours. Because there are WAY better diapers out there than what's readily accessible in stores and hospitals.
  24. Lol. I wouldn't say I'm dedicated to Crinklz, I just haven't found anything better, let alone similarly functioning at the same price. And when you're urinary incontinent, having a diaper you can trust, for about $110 per month, is hard to beat. What you say is very interesting though. ABU, Bambino, and many others-even megamax and Trest Elite. If it has a tape landing zone, they all have that same general cut and tape placement shortcoming. And every one of them has failed me so far. Always prematurely leaking on me, around the legs, and long before even reaching half their intended absorbency. And wow, have I tried a LOT of different ones. That's why I fall back on Crinklz so much. When you take away all diapers with a landing zone, Crinklz is literally the only Premium diaper with prints on it. Rated at 5000ml ISO. And only one of a few that doesn't cost $200-300 for a month's supply (at 2 per day). And I have been looking for a "backup" diaper for a while now. Guess I'll have to try them and see if they work for me or not. And even if they do fail me, I can add my own tapes to reduce those leaks around my legs and still get my money's worth out of them. So BeDry, be ready for some testing against some higher expectations.
  25. Their specs do look good, but it also looks like they use that "no lower tapes" design. Meaning the back wing has a taper near the middle of the wing, and another tape above. But no tape below. This design does work for many, but they are guaranteed to leak around my legs long before even reaching half capacity. A lot of people have asked for a 3-tapes diaper, and this one would be a perfect candidate for the upgrade.
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