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  1. Last week
  2. He ordered some blood tests, and a colonoscopy (yay) and prescribed a couple things. He thinks it might be another medicine I'm taking, which is odd because the Pharmacist didn't think it was medicine related. So for now I'm waiting
  3. After lot's of discussions with the Pharmacist assisting with my Diabetes, she suggested I go see my PC about my pooping problems. So I'm off to see him.
  4. Earlier
  5. The main reason I wear is incontinence, but I get excitable with the stories and adult entertainment videos and pictures 😢 . Sexuality in general as I want to explore different ways (as the 1st goal atm then relationships down the track) I don't know hence why one of the reasons I am seeing her
  6. I'd recommend first asking yourself, what are diapers to you when it comes to your sexuality. Barely 20% of those on DD and ADISC are there purely for the sexual aspect alone (ie. A fetish or kink). For the vast majority, diapers can be, and are, a part of their sexuality but they also go way beyond just that. Being incontinent myself I can say diapers are not a requirement for my own gratification, but they sure can be a fun part of it. The biggest hurdle in accepting that (and even embracing it) is probably that misplaced stigma general society has place on adults needing or wanting diapers. Maybe your sexologist can help you in that regard, so yeah it probably is worth mentioning- nay, worth having a long talk about your diapers in relation to sex. Support sites and all.
  7. First and FOREMOST! There is nothing to be ashamed about. Pretty much everyone out there has some sort of kink, don't worry about that. If you are experiencing sexual excitement from diapers or visiting the sites, then bring it up. The more info she has, the better job she can do.
  8. The therapist regarding 1st session "As your goal for these sessions is to learn about self-pleasure and sex toys, the first session is to gain a better understanding of what you are looking for in terms of sex toys and what you have tried in the past. It also involves us discussing your disability and problem-solving together. This likely involves going through some examples of sex toys (to be viewed on my laptop). Hope this helps". I have physical disabilities, Spinal and hands. I also have ASD, ADHD, and Bipolar. (The therapist has qualifications in developmental education and sexology) I go and post on Daily Diapers and other ABDL and other sites (like this one, not many for incontinence) for support for the incontinence as I had issues at the beginning and had no support, so basically had to learn everything myself, but I found out I "enjoy some of the content" which I am ashamed about At high school I had so many behavioural issues as I wasn’t medicated nor diagnosed correctly and I didn’t get any sex Ed and they only education I got is from the internet so I don’t know much and she will help me find a disability sex worker that is appropriate for me and disabilities as the physical incl the incontinence didn’t occur until I was in my early 20s in 2009 so still learning my physical boundaries as it’s a degenerative disorder with the spine.
  9. Whether you bring them up or not will depend upon several things. Why are you seeing her? I am unfamiliar with what a "disability developer" is or does. They other big point is why do you visit Daily Diapers and other ABDL sites? And do these reasons intersect?
  10. Hi I am not sure if allowed or how to explain this. I have my 1st Sexologist appointment with a disability developer; she is also a Sexologist. I am seeing her about Sex Ed as well as relationships. I am not sure whether or not to bring up that I am a member of a few ABDL sites or how to word it, Daily Diapers, ADISC, etc. (I only found them when I became incontinent after an accident via Google). They have been worthy sources of information as well as helping me to accept my incontinence issues as I can express and talk on there and get support. I am embarrassed I am on these sites, as well as embarrassed by some of the stories and pictures of dressed-up adult females in Nappies. Many thanks
  11. Yes, but it wasn't until late in the morning before I no longer felt like I was going to poop again. That made trying to sleep difficult.
  12. Sorry you had a rough night, hope you are feeling better!
  13. I woke up about 1 AM and had a mildly upset stomach, that's not a good description but I can't think of a better one. Hoping things would settle down, I grabbed my phone to solve today's Wordle. Five minutes later I was filling my diaper. I did a few more puzzles and other things on my phone while I pooped uncontrollably off and on for the next 45 minutes. Got all cleaned up and spent the rest of the night feeling like I still needed to poop more.
  14. TLDR: Don't. But if you do, use caution. This is a good question. I've been there. And yeah, done that too. Even cleared it with my urologist beforehand. The answer is murky though, so if you can avoid mastrubating with a catheter in, then it's best if you just wait. The size of your urethra, and size of the catheter, are what will really determine if anything bad might happen. Say that IF you could accommodate a 20FR catheter, but only have a 12FR in place, then there's room enough to take that sudden influx of ejaculation fluid. But if it's a 20FR/20FR setup then you could potentially stretch or even tear your urethra- leading to needing a catheter for even longer. Also, if someone is thinking of doing it right after any kind of urethral, sphincter or prostrate surgery, just don't. My situation was about 3-4 weeks after a sphincterotomy, and my catheter was small enough, so I went ahead and "took care of it". First though, absolutely make sure your catheter is extremely well lubricated. Push the tip of your penis down to expose as much of the catheter as you can (but don't pull on the catheter itself). Use only water based lube, and make sure the lube gets well down and inside there. When I did ejaculate I did have a feeleling of lots of pressure, but it dissipated quickly. It was almost a complete retro ejaculation at first too. (Where it all goes in the bladder instead of coming out). That in itself isn't a problem though, just a weird sensation. I ended up slowly leaking more fluid out and around the catheter too, so I'd recommend also wearing a pad or diaper for after mastrubating too. And this last part shouldn't have to be said, but I will anyways. If after cumming you feel ANY pain at all, or start leaking or peeing blood. Get yourself to an emergency room asap. Own up to it and be honest about it so they get you checked out properly. It may be embarrassing, but they've seen worse. And any delays can lead to even worse long term problems.
  15. I don't have any facts for you, but it sounds like a bad idea to try it.
  16. Hi all On 5-7 June I went into hospital for Colonoscopy. 5th Prep due to Disabilities and live alone 6th Op and observation as I live alone 7th Discharge Well on the 5th I started the prep for the colonoscopy and they found I was retaining so yay(sarcasm partially) I was recatherised with an IDC as well as I was bed bound due to fluid retention in feet as well as spinal injury(by ITSELF) I was a high falls risk. The also did a urine test. On the 6th I had to have Fleet Enemas (which I found more effective than suppositories) 1 at 4 or 6am and not sure what time I had the other still wasn't fully cleared out. They found polyps and hemorrhoids so they were banded at the time. I am wondering is it safe and how does a male Masturbate with an IDC as I have to have it in until at least the 31 July when I see my urologist (where they either change it or take it out). Also the hospital found out on the 11 June when the results got back I had an UTI since at least the 5th but no one was notified until I rang my urology nurse at a different hospital who was shocked I wasn't informed. Many thanks
  17. Scientists once said the same thing about glasses. They aren't normal, and using them allows the eyes to get worse. And by always straining to see without glasses, you will keep your vision natural. Personally, I prefer to use my glasses. And diapers.
  18. Here's an Interesting UK Daily Mail article on why Diapers are fast becoming normal. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13514437/Why-adults-Britain-wearing-nappies-misled-using-seeking-treatment.html
  19. Yeah, this was my 2nd Colonoscopy 1st, at 16 (2004) and last week at 38 (2024) I only had 2l of the crappy drink, and at 4 am, a fleet Then, it required a 2nd fleet as it wasn't cleared out enough. I am not on Osmolax twice a day(by the register) instead of the prescribed (by their astrology specialist 2 movicol twice a day). Even with the movicol, Petrus Glycerol Suppositories and kiwi fruit, I am still straining hence I am asking if both the Osmolax and Enema would help as the suppositories didn't fully dissolve up there
  20. A suppository loosens stool to help you poop when you're constipated. An enema is for flushing out stool when you can't go or need to be partly emptied out. Enough so you likely won't need to go again for at least a few hours. Neither will work well enough to completely empty you out for a colonoscopy. For that you'll need to take some prep solution. It can be a prescription that tastes absolutely horrible, or a massive dose of mirlax. I've had 3 colonoscopies and the mirlax works (and tastes) much better- but that just for me. Either one will need to be paired with a whole lot of water. None of this will address fluid retention or urinary problems though. That completely separate.
  21. Hi I am wondering what the difference is between Petrus Glycerol Suppositories and fleet enemas as my private continence nurse prescribed regular Petrus Glycerol Suppositories, which I feel do nothing and had two fleet enemas (after the horrible colonoscopy prep) which apparently according to the colonoscopy report stated I still wasn’t clean out enough to see everything (this was administrated by hospital nurses as I was in hospital the night before after after op As it is the gastrologist wants me to pass bowel movement without straining 2-3 times per day and I am lucky if I go every 2 days. Btw the hospital decided to re-IDC me until the 31st of next month due to retention (after the urologist took it out on the 22 May) as I was retaining as well as causing sleep deprivation (hence mental health issues) as well as falls going to the bathroom as still injured wth fluid retention in the right foot so issues with weight bearing. Many thanks
  22. Very interesting article!
  23. Also. HA, I CALLED IT! OAB really IS dr code for "something is wrong with your bladder but we don't really know what. "Most researchers agree that the main obstacle to finding more effective treatments for overactive bladder syndrome is that the diagnosis is so muddy: Rather than a single disorder, it’s a loose group of symptoms that can be caused by many different conditions...."
  24. This is a really good study that was done showing the many links between the bladder and brain, and it goes into detail for how things work versus how they can commonly go wrong. It's a little long, and technical, but worth reading for many here. https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/06/to-pee-or-not-to-pee-that-is-a-question-for-the-bladder-and-the-brain/
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