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  2. i wear either betterdry or crinklz also for the same reasons... last time i was in hospital one of the nurses looked at a betterdry in my bag and commented how much better they looked then the hospital diapers
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  4. I'm glad your doctors are all understanding and it sounds like the doc was professional and cool about being diapered My doctors knows I wear Northshore diapers and are very comfortable and supportive as well.
  5. Thanks for sharing this experience. Sounds like the Doc was professional and cool about your choice of protection. I do keep a few bags of all-white diapers on hand for this very scenario when I am wearing printed ones.
  6. So as many already know, I'm functionally urinary incontinent (I constantly leak pee due to previous complications and subsequent surgeries). And as some may know, I'm also abdl and a furry, and have embraced my need for diapers. As such, my go-to diaper is Crinklz (the betterdry version with babyfur prints on it). Anyways, I recently developed an abcess on my groin, so it was off to the Dr for some antibiotics. He already knows I'm diapered, though I usually keep a few plain white diapers on hand just for this situation. It tends to make things less awkward. But of course I'm out of stock and only have Crinklz. Oh well, I couldn't put this off. Sure enough, he did need to verify the infection. And of course he needed an attendant there too. So I dropped my pants, and then my PUL diaper cover. He must have thought that was my diaper, because before I could pull it down he bent over and got a good look at my Crinklz. He immediately said "oh", then "sorry". Talk about embarrassing, though it was all my fault. My Dr did stay professional the whole time, but after I got dressed again he asked if he could ask about my diaper. I said yes, and he said started with asking if I'm ok having to use them. I said I actually prefer them, especially since it's much better than the alternative of not being able to pee at all. He then said he never saw one like it and asked what kind it was. I told him about it and Betterdry, and how they actually work really well and last much longer versus Depends and the like. He then asked about the supplier and cost, so I mentioned LL Medical and North Shore and also pointed out they can easily work out to be cheaper than Depends. He seemed genuinely impressed by them, but also just had to add they were "cute" too. Still an otherwise positive reaction, so I'll take it. Ps. It's only been a day but the infection already hurts less. I should be fine within the usual 7-10 days.
  7. @Kit I will second @Slomo recommendation of adult cloth diapers.com site. Personally, the last time I bought (several years ago) I bought the "night" (4 layer) small prefold purity diapers that I see they have now rebranded under their "Leak Master" label: https://adultclothdiaper.com/products/adult-flat-diapers-gauze-purity?srsltid=AfmBOorKish2nls3YGQ0XgXUyUQZJKC7rcrJDDVF3xSZpS4mwMwykXEN&variant=48761849676055 At the time of my last purchase, this was one of the best values for my money. I haven't done price comparisons in a while. I have heavier incontinence. While I could get away with 1 of these during the day for my current normal "light" day time issues, if I want to take a nap (and expect to have dry pants on after the nap *if* the issue hits), I need at least two (4 layer) diapers, which is my "standard" daytime configuration. When new, and not overly hydrated, I could get away with using three at night (most of the time). However with age (of the diapers) and my flexibility in hydration, I currently use four (4 layer) at night. Yes, you need a protective pant over this, I I'm normally using PUL for now. Before Comco and VI Products closed, I used to use their vinyl pants, which were (in my option) better that the current PUL pants made by Gary (due to differences in cut and elastic tension). PUL does last longer than vinyl, so costs might be closer now then I was thinking. .
  8. I can understand the guilt of incontinence adding to ones impact. But don't let reusable cotton fool you. Cotton takes a massive amount of water to grow, and it strips the land of nutrients. Meaning those nutrients need to be mined and trucked in to replace it. Not to mention it also takes tons of processing to turn it into a usable thread. And just as much to turn it into absorbent underwear. And don't forget the added water used to wash it 100 times, not to mention the harsh detergents. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying disposable is any better. If anything disposable and reusable are about as equally bad for the environment. Because disposables are taken from the ground as oil, highly processed to make the plastic. Though greatly offset by adding a lot of byproduct wood pulp, which decreases their carbon footprint. And when used, disposables are overwhelming tossed in the trash, which ends up getting buried in a landfill, further sequestered the carbon of both the plastic and of the wood pulp. That's why I recommend forgetting about their impact and just using whatever works best for your situation. Such as disposable being better for concealing and ease of use, versus cloth being less expensive in the long run and better for heavy wetting. And if you still feel bad about it, then increase how much you recycle. Buy more organic foods, and less packaged items. Get a highly fuel efficient vehicle, and even buy into renewable energy production. I've done all of those, and while it's all more expensive, I have no trubble sleeping at night because of my carbon footprint. For the OP, adding to the landfill should NOT be a determining factor. Though expense is quite valid. As long as you're able to spend more upfront for a good quality reusable cloth diaper and cover, they you'll absolutely have a lower expense in the long run. Though with moderate incontinence, threaded armor probably won't be absorbent enough. They are best used to replace pullups for people with minor incontinence. You'll need to look into actual pin on cloth diapers, though with moderate incontinence you can probably get by with fewer or thinner layers. Combined with PolyUrethane Laminate (PUL) pants, and they should work wonders for you. I personally recommend https://adultclothdiaper.com/ as I've always had good dealings with them.
  9. Carer men’s incontinence briefs have a capacity of about 5 oz. That is good for dribblers but not for more significant incontinence. --John
  10. Kit, do you know that reusable absorbent underwear usually comes with a rating for how many ounces they will hold? Look up the rating for what you currently wear and that will give you a basis to evaluate potential new products. --John
  11. Have you tried these: https://threadedarmor.com/ They are the adult form of superundies and are quite absorbent for a washable.
  12. I have moderate incontinence and am looking for a reasonably absorbent underwear to be worn under a waterproof cover. I know disposables will do the job very well but I don't like the having to add to the landfill and the expense. Right now I am using Wearever and Petey's but would like more absorbency.
  13. I find them comfortable but not very waterproof even with small leaks. They certainly do not hold as much liquid as advertised. As I have them I do wear them but with a waterproof cover.
  14. Good on them. We actually need more ads like this too. Waaaayyyy too many people are led to believe grocery store and pharmacy bought pullups will work for anything more than the occasional stress incontinence (light dribbles), let alone enuresis (sleep wetting).
  15. I love how it addresses diaper wearing directly as normal and beneficial for those who need them.
  16. I need to log in more frequently on this board.... From other discussions, I won't be surprised if it is Metformin, or something along with Metformin. I was normally good until I started on Metformin at three x a day (500 mg?). I could handle the 2x.... The 3x put me over the line..... I'm mostly good, but on occasion the body gets off. Still haven't figured out what the tweak is that takes me just over the line. If you figure out what your interactions are that put you over the line I'll be interested in hearing about it -- to see if that may also be part of my "fun".... From my perspective, I know part of the issue is the Metformin dosage. And I recently had my (slightly overdue) Colonoscopy - and came back with a clean slate from that -- so there is nothing showing up that way for me....
  17. I was once told similar. It turns out, catheters are only about as long term as botox injections. Meaning they aren't a permanent solution, and one day you may find they aren't much of a solution at all. It also turns out, there are always other solutions. Your urologist is just too lazy, doesn't believe your problems are as bad as they are, or just doesn't care about you. So it's time to find another urologist. At least, that's been my experience. You didn't mention your problem, but I had a neurological blockage (nerves got fried or crossed or something). I went through a dozen urologist, and one of them also said I should just permanantly use catheters. So I did, for about 7 months (with a new catheter every month). Even had me change them out at home. Right up until I developed a super sensitive urethra and the pain got to be too much. Ultimately I found a really good urologist at the Mayo Clinic. He wanted to do a stoma (diversion to a new pee hole), but I convinced him to do a series of sphincterotomies to make me functionally incontinent. That's a story in itself, but needless to say I'm now stable. As for dealing with the catheters. Lubricate it constantly. Preferably with a non water based lube, as water based will be quickly absorbed by the body. Leading to a dry catheter that will pinch and pull on your member every time it changes size. I found old fashioned petroleum jelly worked best. And in a pinch, lip balm did too.
  18. Right now my Primary thinks it's a drug side effect, but the Pharmacist I talk to monthly doesn't.
  19. Hi all On Wednesday I was advised by Urologist IDC is the only permanent Option I have (still wear full on Bambino diapers) due to bowel bleeding and occasional catheter leaks due to spasms as they are the only thing I found comfortable on my skin as my skin reacts to the cloth backed diapers and pull ups dont fit my body type. Any tips for long term Catheter users as this has hit me pretty hard even though I had researched for years and knew this was the main solution that was going to be forced upon me by my body. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding wheelchair/ scooter accessories for my catheter as thinking of wearing a night bag when I have to use wheelchair/mobility scooter (scooter when it gets delivered) that is discrete as today I went to a disability expo in my wheelchair and my 750ml was almost at capacity by the end and no idea where the toilets were or in what state as well as was too busy talking to providers trying to find extra supports? thanks
  20. Sorry I haven't replied sooner (life, health and work got in the way) It went great I had already said this to her in a previous email when I was mentally and physically unwell (Bipolar/ bladder/ spine and feet issues) "Here is the latest I posted annon on social media sexuality FB Page looking for advice for example... When I tend to get hyped up I tend to post this kind of questions annon on FB as well as Incontinence forums as well as diaper fetish sites (which were the only information supports I found on Google as no incontinence websites you are the only person I have told this due to embarrassment but until recently I have had no professional support or continence nurse and urology departments refused treatment (until recently) for support and no support groups in Australia) just for information on how to handle incontinence mentally as products which my continence nurse didn't even know the products existed eg Nappies I wear etc)" Sorry regarding formatting as copy and pasted Well the appointment went great this wasn't brought up at all I was asked what have I tried in the past and what things "interested me" and what things didn't and she made a few recommendations on somethings may interest me and might make things easier with IDC /foley tubing as I have been professionally advised by my urology dept I can pleasure and relief myself just not too ruff. Next session we are meeting at a sex store to look at Disability friendly items.
  21. Good luck with your primary care doc. However, to solve your problem it is possible that you will need the skills of a specialist - a gastroenterologist. You might ask for a referral. I'm double incontinent with complex and serious gastro-related issues. Most issues required a gastroenterologist to adequately resolve. Mind you, when it comes to gastro issues, you may not find a perfect solution. I am sitting in a messy diaper while I type this as, from one day to the next, my meds cause me to swing radically between near-impaction to sudden defecation. The goal of the meds is to prevent impaction but often "overcorrect." Good luck from another retired military vet. I'm off to get cleaned up. --John
  22. They keep pushing the colonoscopy age earlier, my doctor said it's down to 45 now. I've done the Cologuard, but it has too many false positives and false negatives.
  23. Thank you for your service! Sorry about the colonoscopy, I haven't had to endure that yet as I was just young enough to do the cologuard thing instead this time around.
  24. Fortunaately, I'm a retired Veteran, so I don't have to pay for those tests. Unfortunately my Primary decided it's Colonoscopy time.
  25. I hear ya, I'm waiting to find the cause of some GI issues causing me a lot of pain. Waiting for answers while doing random, expensive tests is the worst!
  26. He ordered some blood tests, and a colonoscopy (yay) and prescribed a couple things. He thinks it might be another medicine I'm taking, which is odd because the Pharmacist didn't think it was medicine related. So for now I'm waiting
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