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  1. I'd recommend first asking yourself, what are diapers to you when it comes to your sexuality. Barely 20% of those on DD and ADISC are there purely for the sexual aspect alone (ie. A fetish or kink). For the vast majority, diapers can be, and are, a part of their sexuality but they also go way beyond just that. Being incontinent myself I can say diapers are not a requirement for my own gratification, but they sure can be a fun part of it. The biggest hurdle in accepting that (and even embracing it) is probably that misplaced stigma general society has place on adults needing or wanting diapers. Maybe your sexologist can help you in that regard, so yeah it probably is worth mentioning- nay, worth having a long talk about your diapers in relation to sex. Support sites and all.
  2. TLDR: Don't. But if you do, use caution. This is a good question. I've been there. And yeah, done that too. Even cleared it with my urologist beforehand. The answer is murky though, so if you can avoid mastrubating with a catheter in, then it's best if you just wait. The size of your urethra, and size of the catheter, are what will really determine if anything bad might happen. Say that IF you could accommodate a 20FR catheter, but only have a 12FR in place, then there's room enough to take that sudden influx of ejaculation fluid. But if it's a 20FR/20FR setup then you could potentially stretch or even tear your urethra- leading to needing a catheter for even longer. Also, if someone is thinking of doing it right after any kind of urethral, sphincter or prostrate surgery, just don't. My situation was about 3-4 weeks after a sphincterotomy, and my catheter was small enough, so I went ahead and "took care of it". First though, absolutely make sure your catheter is extremely well lubricated. Push the tip of your penis down to expose as much of the catheter as you can (but don't pull on the catheter itself). Use only water based lube, and make sure the lube gets well down and inside there. When I did ejaculate I did have a feeleling of lots of pressure, but it dissipated quickly. It was almost a complete retro ejaculation at first too. (Where it all goes in the bladder instead of coming out). That in itself isn't a problem though, just a weird sensation. I ended up slowly leaking more fluid out and around the catheter too, so I'd recommend also wearing a pad or diaper for after mastrubating too. And this last part shouldn't have to be said, but I will anyways. If after cumming you feel ANY pain at all, or start leaking or peeing blood. Get yourself to an emergency room asap. Own up to it and be honest about it so they get you checked out properly. It may be embarrassing, but they've seen worse. And any delays can lead to even worse long term problems.
  3. Scientists once said the same thing about glasses. They aren't normal, and using them allows the eyes to get worse. And by always straining to see without glasses, you will keep your vision natural. Personally, I prefer to use my glasses. And diapers.
  4. A suppository loosens stool to help you poop when you're constipated. An enema is for flushing out stool when you can't go or need to be partly emptied out. Enough so you likely won't need to go again for at least a few hours. Neither will work well enough to completely empty you out for a colonoscopy. For that you'll need to take some prep solution. It can be a prescription that tastes absolutely horrible, or a massive dose of mirlax. I've had 3 colonoscopies and the mirlax works (and tastes) much better- but that just for me. Either one will need to be paired with a whole lot of water. None of this will address fluid retention or urinary problems though. That completely separate.
  5. Also. HA, I CALLED IT! OAB really IS dr code for "something is wrong with your bladder but we don't really know what. "Most researchers agree that the main obstacle to finding more effective treatments for overactive bladder syndrome is that the diagnosis is so muddy: Rather than a single disorder, it’s a loose group of symptoms that can be caused by many different conditions...."
  6. This is a really good study that was done showing the many links between the bladder and brain, and it goes into detail for how things work versus how they can commonly go wrong. It's a little long, and technical, but worth reading for many here. https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/06/to-pee-or-not-to-pee-that-is-a-question-for-the-bladder-and-the-brain/
  7. Unfortunately, I've been there. Including the failed botox, having to wait for the sake of waiting, and every possible med (which NEVER worked but often came with bad side effects). Catheters worked great to alleviate my pain, but they were also uncomfortable at best, and come with their own set of problems. Uuuuugh. The only solution I found was to fire that urologist. If they aren't willing to listen to you, or worse are failing to do good like they swore, then it's time to move on to someone else. Go to your GP and ask for a new referral. I know, it sucks because it will take 1-3 months just to get a new urologist up to speed. But it really IS faster and easier to start all over. Though when you do talk to a new urologist be sure to underpin everything you've been through. It should also help to put together a short, 1 page max, chronicle or journal for them. Include one line each for rough dates? what you've tried, and the good-bad effects it produced. I also found it really helps when you stress your current quality of life (or lack), and everything that has helped up to this point (even the small stuff like timed peeing or dehydration before bed). You didn't say this, but are you managing your issues with diapers? And are you already wearing them 24/7? I found this is REALLY important to urologists if you're already thinking that total functional urinary incontinence as the best solution. If you are, then also make sure to stress a sphincterotomy will NOT make you incontinent or dependent on diapers- you already are. But, the surgery WILL improve your quality of life. Oh, and I was told stents have seriously fallen out of favor. Apparently long term studies showed a very high likelihood any stent will cause strictures. Of which, just block you off again. So in 10-15 years it will require being removed, AND you'll have to deal with a complete blockage. The alternative is sphincterotomy surgeries. They are a pain, AND I guarantee 1 surgery will NOT be enough to make you incontinent. 3 maybe, 6 if they have to do both your internal and external sphincters. I asked for a sphincter-ectomy (where they go in through your perineum and cut the muscle out in its entirity), but was denied that and had to go with the sphincterotomy (where they make a radial cut on the inside of the urethral sphincter) (NOT a lateral incision, those aren't "aggressive" enough and don't work). Ultimately though, my 6 surgeries caused a really bad stricture, which ended up being 15 surgeries, including a turp, full prostrate-ectomy, and removing another half-inch of my urethra. Yeah, no joke there. Like seriously? 1 sphincter-ectomy the first time would have been soooo much more efeective, favorable and better. But al least now I'm stable. Hope this helps you. Reply here if you need more.
  8. I've had this done before. They fill your bladder with water then immediately remove the catheter. The test is to see if you can empty your bladder right away, or not. It's done as part of a urodynamics test, or after you've had any retention problems or recent urinary surgeries. And yes, it's common to have leakage after a catheter is removed. Things should return to normal fairly quickly- unless there's some other underlying problem or condition. So absolutely make sure you have a spare diaper with you, or better yet just wear a diaper when you go to the test. (You can always remove one tape to take off the diaper for the test itself).
  9. Getting a full diagnosis can be really difficult, and many people just never get one. Sometime we just have to accept that what's happening is happening, and we just have to accept that. You may not want to wear a diaper every night, but I'm sorry to say you may have to accept you will. It's the same with needing glasses, hearing aids, wheelchairs, and such. That all said, there are steps you can take to try and help lessen your need for diapers at night. Seeing your doctor was the right first step. Now try looking into kegel exercises. Doing them during the day can help you at night. Try holding your pee a little longer during the day too. Not for too long, but even 10 extra minutes can help your ability to hold overnight too. Don't dehydrate yourself too much, but you can restrict water intake for an hour or two before bed. Not so much your pee will turn a dark yellow though as that can invite other problems. And don't drink alcohol in the evening (which given your age I assume you're not). The same for anything caffinated like coffee or tea. Lastly, while obvious it needs to be said. Make sure you pee right before going to bed, even if you don't feel like you need to.
  10. Mobility and incontinence issues aside, diapers do cover our genetalia. So is it really any wonder they can be incorporated into one's own sexuality? Of course not. After all, they do tend to end up warm, wet, and squishy while also rubbing up against ourselves a times. I've said this before and it's worth repeating. When life gives you lemons you learn to like lemonade or otherwise go crazy hating them. And when life puts you back into diapers, you likewise need to learn liking diapers or otherwise go crazy hating them too. And without getting into too much detail. I personally find it quite pleasurable to add some petroleum jelly to the inside front of a wet diaper. Then lay down on top of a pillow of favorite stuffed animal, and well... have some hands free fun. This method works especially well for me as I had my prostrate removed at age 42, and ever since then I haven't been able to get hard enough for sex with my wife. But neither my feeling down there or inate sex drive have been reduced, so being able to reach a climaxe is otherwise more difficult. Relying on diapers this way is more than a coping mechanism too, by being able to keep the diaper on while mastrubating I also don't have to worry about leaking pee all over. It also helps establish a "diapers are good" attitude, and well like I said, it's fun and feels great too.
  11. Slomo

    Fishy Pee

    I've been taking fish oil for over a decade now, and must either be nose blind to it or just well hydrated enough it doesn't matter. Either way, I never notice a fish smell from my pee. Asparagus though, that's a guarantee smell every time.
  12. I used to use these. They are pretty decent, and good for their cost. They aren't the best for using with plastic backed disposables though, unless you also add some sort of fixing pants or underwear in between them. That's because when a disposable leaks, that urine won't have anywhere to go. It absolutely will saturate the elastic edges and will quickly leak past them. But pairing them with any kind of reusable cloth diaper and they perform well. Also, you get what you pay for so don't expect them to last more than a year or so (life expectancy varies with how well you take care of them).
  13. Not to side track this thread, but the best I've found w/o a landing zone is Betterdry/Crinklz. We could definitely stand for something even better than this though.
  14. I did try their elite Premium ones for day and night (before they released the night time version) and about every other one leaked at the back of my legs. Mind you they were barely half saturated at that point, with the back of the diaper still bone dry. Thankfully my PUL pants saved me from also having wet pants. Of course, I get that same lack of performance with every diaper that has "no lower tapes". And these ones fit that description, with one set of tapes placed right at the middle of the back wings, and one more set placed above that. I just wonder how long it will be before one of these manufacturers start adding the third set of lower tapes. Now that is a great fit, which I've tested by adding my own extra tape. They end up being really snug, have almost no diaper sag when soaked, and no premature leaks.
  15. For the leg bag I can't recommend getting a leg bag sleeve well enough. It's elastic and comfortably holds a urine leg bag in place, even when it's near full. I got mine from Amazon as well. Also do an Amazon search for "adaptive shorts with side snaps". Some are more discrete than others and may require searching through the results.
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