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Everything posted by Zombie_Turtle

  1. Diaper resistance is a thing. I definitely had that problem when I needed to start wearing them. I had to have several accidents in public before I would get get over the shame of wearing a diaper. Isn't that ironic? Definitely foolish looking at it now. Not exactly sure why i had such a hard time with it then compared to my attitude now. Some people never get over it. I guess one thing that helped me was seeking out help from others in the incontinence community.
  2. Just like Slomo and John said the ability to put tapes where they conform to the body makes sense to me. I love Betterdry for the fit and they have never leaked on me likely because of this, but they landing zone is super helpful for me when i am changing and my depth perception is off. Being able to position and then fix my mistake is super useful. I made no landing zone diapers work by putting a piece of packing tape across the front of my diaper in line with the top tape. This also helps it from stretching and sagging. Since I have experienced the super capacity diapers I am hooked. All that extra padding, elastic, and lining makes them so comfortable. It's probably a trade off where I should be getting a better seal but rely on all that extra capacity....maybe. I also found the tape guides on the InControl diapers to be soooo dang helpful. Hand/eye coordination and vision issues have caused me to wreck diapers trying to get them on straight. Tape guides are easy. I have even pre-drawn my own on Abenas when I used them. Sometimes its an issue other times not so much, but when I am in a flare and just can't do it for the life of me i'm really happy to have products that are easy to use, and allow for adjustments.
  3. Yeah... If it were to wrap around to the front a few inches more it may not be right at my leg crease, and yes if I size up it seem way too big. I also get a good fit out of the Betterdrys, but man! they just are not as comfortable or thick as the Incontrols. The "lower" tapes on them seem to be the least bothersome of the bunch i've tried. maybe it just fit's me better.
  4. That the bottom 2 tapes on some of the ones I like best cut into my thighs. These are the mainly the landing zone type and the high absorbent ones. Anyone else have this issue? Any novel ideas about keeping it from being a nuisance?
  5. I have had to explain it to 2 women i've dated before getting to intimacy. I was not surprised, but relieved that it was taken as "no big deal" each time. with each of them, I sensed that they both were mature and understanding so I allowed myself to finally blurt out that I had to wear diapers. each time I was met with a level of empathy and positivity that I wasn't expecting. Doctors and nurses that have seen them on me just ignored them.
  6. thoughts: we start instilling the stigma at a young age. We call toddler diapers "training pants" or "pull-ups" in reality they are diapers without tapes. Is it really a way to to instill pride in our children that they have graduated potty training step 1 by getting out of "baby diapers"? or is it really just a way to tell kids that they are getting bigger and are expected to not be a baby and wear diapers, thereby validating the shame they would feel if they fail at using the toilet. Is that all wrong? Probably not completely but if we didn't have to make up different words for what diapers really are, and not treat the process as something to fail or succeed at, would that change the perception? not really sure. Just thoughts.
  7. Again with the solid advice. Thank you!! I had one urologist that wanted to outfit me with the Interstim device. That was before my diagnosis. I was informed I would not be a proper candidate. You're absolutely right though, there is likely a next step I need to be planning for although I am not sure I have any clue what it is. It's maybe the known unknown, and that spooks me enough to ignore it. Pretty much why i am where i am today. My experience with medicine up to this point has been that noting would show up on a test with one specialist, then something would look funny to another one who then would send me to another one who would would basically tell me they don't see anything and that I should go and see .....over and over. I am so burned out. After finally getting answers, although it meant I am disabled, there is relief and a sense of validation. I have gotten to somewhat of a summit and I just want to look out over the side of the mountain for a while before I have to claw up to the next thing. The treatments that I am undergoing now are somewhat helpful and it's not such a struggle to move my body around without ridiculous pain. I have also spent a disgusting amount of money on Doctors in the last few years. I might be leaking oil, but my engine is running ok. πŸ˜€
  8. I would definitely recommend their stuff. comfortable and works well for me. The Incontrol Active Air is the only cloth backed diaper I have used that doesn't sag or get loose.
  9. For me a comfortable number for a daytime diaper is 3500-5000ml. This is a Betterdry or Megamax. For nightime use those Super Diapers like the Incontrol or others that claim 7500 and above work well for me. I can wear one diaper without need of booster pad and can last all night on most occasions. And yes, I do use far fewer diapers than i have in the past wearing Abena, or Molicares. I generally only need to change 2x a day and once at night. compared to 5-6 times with the lesser capacity diapers. I could have stretched the use but I value feeling dry, and keeping rashes from forming. The high absorbent diapers are the only ones that seems to fit into my regime in that regard.
  10. HAHA yep! My guess is people may try to call them other than diapers as to not offend an incontinent person? maybe calling a diaper a brief is a way to let someone who is ashamed by needing to wear them retain some dignity by not being compared to an elderly patient or infant?
  11. I change on the floor at home and standing in public restrooms. laying down is much easier for me and I prefer to change that way.
  12. Thank you, kindly. My bladder issues have somewhat fallen down the priority list, but I am indirectly actively working on them. Since a central nerve disorder is the culprit of the bladder spasms, I am taking medications that help improve proper nerve function. The main reason was to help alleviate the nerve pain that I feel all over different places, at different times. I have noticed some improvement with the spasms but there is still a reduced capacity and the thickening to the bladder wall. It took a lot of years to get to where i'm at so I can't really expect a full improvement overnight. I will not likely recover any capacity in my bladder, but i could reasonably expect improvement with pain (as I am told). The problem I (think) I have is my nerves in parts of my body will go from numb to overdrive. When I am numb I will either be wetting myself without really having any signal and being able control, or I will not be able to urinate at all without brute force. The latter is usually after being dehydrated and in the evening, when I'm in overdrive I will have painful forceful spurts and depending on how hydrated I am, can be a lot. Honestly I just try not despair about it anymore. That's why I appreciate folks that talk openly about it and have positive attitudes about it. If some folks are having fun with peeing themselves I shouldn't worry too much about it being a life altering "problem". I have gone through the shitty emotions and grieving over it and now I would rather just be happy. Putting on a diaper with a funny design and feeling silly for a while takes me away from it being this macabre symbol of faltering health and disabilities. IDK. That's just what i have gleaned from my journey so far I suppose.
  13. For the plastic diapers that don't have a landing zone on the front panel I have put a piece of packing tape across in line with the top tape. This makes my own landing zone and keeps it from getting stretchy and saggy after wearing it. I second everything else mentioned. Also learned: "-Remove your diapers from their packaging for at least a week before needing them. They come compressed, and allowing them to expand some means they will absorb and wick much better when used." 🀯
  14. I just read an email Rearz sent me that said they will have a new print with with spiders that will compliment the skulls design. I like that. Great for a soggy old rocker dude😁.
  15. Funny...(obviously not the part about you having to go to the ER. )
  16. Hi Brian and John. I have a lot of favorites now that I have discovered most of the brands and tried them out. And yes, I do appreciate color choices. I have always had a personal taste in clothing and being somewhat stylish. I am a dad so i became "not cool" years back 😁, however, I do like to dress well. Makes me somewhat sad that I can't wear some of the pants that are "in style" because they are snug fitting in the crotch area, (not great for diaper wearing), but i have found choices that suit me while still being discreet. I have more recently tried out some of the AB brands that offer high capacity diapers. I have always passed by them as cosplay type items that are expensive and not useful for incontinence. That I have found to be the furthest thing from the truth. In fact some are more comfortable and work amazingly better than "medical" grade diapers. While i don't really have a taste for the baby prints, but there are prints and diapers in colors that are a nice change from plain white. I did however order the "Mega Safari" type from rearz while they were on sale. I caught a look at myself and had a good chuckle. It wasn't really "me" but they are very cute and for folks that use them for emotional needs I imagine they are fun. The ink bled onto my skin so I will probably avoid buying them again. Colorful diapers that I have tried and like so far: Rearz Skulls Northshore Megamax black Northshore Polka dots Tykables Camelots Regular diapers I like: Betterdry Abena Plastic back Incontrol Essential Incontrol Active Air Main thing for me is if I have to wear these all day I want to be comfortable and feel dry. the Incontrol diapers have really helped me out with that. A real nice thing about them is the tape guides. I have sometime have trouble with keeping things symmetrical so that is a really helpful feature. It's also nice to forget that i'm putting on diapers because im "disabled" so YES colors and patterns are great and I 100% appreciate them.
  17. Howdy folks. Adam, 40. Happy to see a forum for incontinence. I became incon about 5 years ago from a nerve disorder. It progressively got heavier and became something i had to rely on protection for. I have needed to wear diapers full time for about 3 years. It isn't such a big deal compared to the rest of my medical issues so I am not upset about it, however I really don't share this information with friends or family, so there isn't really anyone to talk to about it. Not a huge deal but it can be isolating at times.
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