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Everything posted by Iken

  1. Here's an Interesting UK Daily Mail article on why Diapers are fast becoming normal. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13514437/Why-adults-Britain-wearing-nappies-misled-using-seeking-treatment.html
  2. First of all, you're not a freak. You have issues that you are dealing with.
  3. She has a Youtube page, Instagram page and is now the spokeswoman for Northshore https://www.youtube.com/@BumblePree
  4. Iken


    Many times, and many times I have had doctors try to get me to use Incontinence meds but seeing the side affects of them, I much prefer diapers over them
  5. Welcome and I have had issues in the past where curtain meds I take would take a toll on my bladder and bowels
  6. The one thing I wish people knew about Incontinence is that it's a medical condition that's treatable. On top of that, I wish people would understand that wearing diapers is as normal as wearing underwear and it's nothing to be ashamed of.
  7. What is the one thing you wish that people and society knew about incontinence and being diapered?
  8. Welcome to the club 😊
  9. If you have minor leaks, a good pull-up will get you through the day but a thick diaper will always get the job done and not be very noticeable. It's why for me, I don't wear pull-ups because I would leak and flood them really fast. I wear thick padded diapers to make sure I don't leak or flood them and I can get through the entire day. For me, being Incontinent, I have to be in thick diapers because I never know if I am gonna leak or flood in my diapers.
  10. Wow, that was insensitive and very small-minded. I wonder if she said that to her elderly folks who have to wear diapers
  11. I sometimes wish they made clothes that are diaper-friendly and especially for women as wells
  12. I think it's a good idea for especially the disabled and physically disabled.
  13. What would society think of having adult changing tables in public restrooms in places like: restaurants, parks, amusement parks, supermarkets, gas stations, convenient stores… etc?
  14. That's why all my nurses that take care of me for my medical issues knows fully well what diapers I wear and they are totally accepting. It's why when I come to my medical appointments or hospital stays, they are comfortable with me being diapered. Even as an EMT, I always have a diaper bag with me and on the back of the ambulance as well.
  15. That's why whenever I go to the hospital, I always have my diaper bag with me. Being an EMT, I have seen the kind of diapers and pull ups they use in hospitals and Nursing homes that they are so crappy, that it should constitute as abuse.
  16. Sounds like a lot more uncomfortable than sitting in a diaper. I have seen worse where Nursing home and hospice patients have to endure thin, crappy pull ups instead of diapers.
  17. Sometimes on very hot days, I get tired of being in diapers and other times, when someone sees my diapers, I get poked fun at.
  18. I know being incontinent and being kept in diapers permanently, Have you ever gotten tired of being in diapers? I know for me, I never got tired of being kept in diapers and never got tired of being kept in thick padded diapers. I've always enjoyed being in diapers and always thought my incontinence is a blessing. I've even thought that my incontinence even enhanced my life and made it so much easier on me. It's why even though I am kept in diapers permanently, I know I can never ever get tired of being diapered.
  19. That's why being incontinent, does have it's advantages once you realize how being diapered becomes so much easier. Being kept in diapers all the time, I can see why I have it so much easier and less stressful on me. It's easy once you cope and come to understand how diapers makes life so much easier to deal with.
  20. Many times in my life, I know of many situations where I am so grateful for being diapered. For example, being an EMT in a VOL EMS squad I know many situations where being diapered has saved me. I can be on a stressful call or even a long call where by the time I get back, my diaper is soaked and ready for a diaper change. I'm also fortunate that the hospitals I transport patients to, they have a diaper changing room for those who are incontinent. Even when I was in college, a diaper was their to make sure I never skipped a lecture and afterwards, I can simply waddle back to my dorm for a diaper change. Many times in science class, where I can't leave the lab, diapers helped me as well.
  21. I learn to live with my incontinence and accept that I am always going to be kept in diapers. I know my folks tried to potty train me but I know that's never going to happen and they accepted that I am gona be kept in diapers for the rest of my life. Being diapered has made life so much easier on me and less stressful on me. It's why I am not ashamed of being in diapered or even if people notices me in diapers. On top of that, I am diapered out in the open around the house so often that it's so normal for me.
  22. That's like me as well. Being incontinent for so long, I simply gave up in trying to be potty trained and found it so much easier with diapers. Being kept in diapers has made my life so much better and I have been able to regain self confidence and able to do things without thinking about using the potty. I've been able to go in my diaper with no worries and no stress in my life. At the same time, I am able to live a potty free life and live a life without ever being potty trained again.
  23. Wow, I'm a heavy sleeper and I know I am known to snore like a pug
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