Every night now this month. I'm sick of it. Tired of going through every pair of underwear and pants. I (22F) cannot go through a single night without wetting the bed. I'll cut off drinking 6 hours before med minimum, go to the bathroom before I wind down for bed, then go to the bathroom just to make sure not even a few droplets are left ensuring my bladder is 100% empty when I go to sleep. I will consume no more liquids, go to sleep, and I'm waking up anywhere from 2-4 hours later in my own puddle. Even when I wear those special underwear made for this, I'm filling them to the brim even though I have had nothing more to drink in the last 6 hours and I have made multiple trips to the bathroom just to make sure I shouldn't wet the bed. No matter what I do, I cannot stop it. I don't know if medication exists to help me, but this has been an on going problem in my life. I went a good while without wetting, then all of a sudden because I changed my drinking habits (only drinking water to cut down on my sugar and caffine intake) I cannot have a singular dry night. I'm so fed, I'm terrified when I move in with my oartner because it's so embarrassing and how do I explain that I as an adult woman cannot control myself no matter what precautions I take?