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Issues with Urologist and treatment

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Hi all

I am concerned regarding my Urologist who is a professor at my local hospital hence no one is higher than him.

2nd appointment (which was a teleconference with my support worker and carer at the time) He first stated there wasn't any solution then he wanted me to self Indwell Catherise (he stated this on the phone with my support worker or get support worker to do it) without any training or knowing exact size.

3rd Appointment (Dec) He stated he doesn't want me to be Indwelled catherised due to uti risks and have Botox to the Urethal Spinctor and prostate (but wrote to GP COPY AND PASTED "Botox injections to the pelvic floor and bladder neck given that he does have longstanding voiding dysfunction".) I signed relevant paperwork that day and was told have the procedure in February.

4th Appointment (28th Feb)Urologist never showed up nor communicated this with his staff as he was flying to London (I am in Sydney, Australia) and was not notified this until 30mins after the appointment and had to wait an additional hour for a different urologist who made me sign the same paperwork as didn't know if it was sent to Admissions back in December (thankfully as after the appointment
I went to hospital admissions and found out my urologist never submitted the paperwork in December and refused to allow me to make a written complaint due to all the issues with the urologist.

I forgot to mention he flat out refuses to communicate with my Continence Nurse (who is private and the urologist is public public system refused my a public Continence nurse) my continence Nurse is a Doctorate with a PHD and I requested him to do this numerous times.

My question is

Is Botox to the Urethal Spinctor and prostate and "Botox injections to the pelvic floor and bladder neck given that he does have longstanding voiding dysfunction the same? If so what are peoples experiences as I have a letter from admissions that I should have the procedure in about 3 months? And would people trust this behavior from their specialists? Many thanks
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I've had botox done twice. Once in the bladder wall to try and calm my urges. And a separate time in my external sphincter to try an weaken it so I wouldn't have to push so hard. Both times failed miserably and made me completely unable to pee. I had to be catheterization for 3 months while it wore off.

And no, that behavior is unacceptable. You absolutely need to report him to a medical board or patient advocate. Then find a new urologist.

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I should also mention. I've found most urologists are all quacks who just like to throw pills at you to see if they will stick, or want to push some surgery they dont even know will help or not. I literally went through a dozen urologists in about 10 years. Not one of them even believed I had a problem, untill I met an actually competent urologist at the Mayo Clinic. If they refuse to listen to your concerns, can't seem to get past their own misdiagnosis, only want to consider pills or catheters, or just don't seem to remotely care. Those are all warning signs you need to drop them faster than the dead weight they are.

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