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Urine volumes and samples in Australia


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Sorry 2 questions


How long did it take people to learn how much volume they leaked over a certain period and circumstances as I am struggling to figure this out.

I had a meeting with my RN, who is doing my continence assessment and helping me find the correct products (as I have sourced most, if not all, the appropriate plastic-backed products I could in Australia). I am not sure if I am missing any, as these are what I was able to find. She stated that I will pee in different volumes in different circumstances.

Sorry, this is all doing my head in 

Are there any Samples I am missing as require plastic backed due to allergies(as I have already received these and will be taking them to my appointment sometime in January which I have emailed the list to her 

I am looking for a good capacity of 1 or 2 changes per day and one change per night (I have Nocturnia and OSA)

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If you always use a diaper then it's actually easy to figure out the volume. The weight of urine in grams also equals the volume in milliliters (ml). So use a kitchen scale to weigh a wet diaper, then subtract the weight of a dry diaper. The total grams is the total millileters of urine that one diaper had absorbed. So just measure each diaper when you change, and add the totals together for 24 hours. And there's your daily output. Do that for at least a week, then average out the totals to get your average daily volume.

Here's a good example. https://tranquilityproducts.com/calculate-urine-output-from-diaper-weight/

Though as we've said, you can't really compare your actual volume of urine output to the total absorpion rating of a diaper. Those International Standards Organization (ISO) ratings are a made under perfect lab testing conditions. Real world absorption amounts are going to be under %50 the ISO amount, maybe even as low as %25. But those ISO ratings are a good starting place for comparing one diaper to another.

The real numbers you will get are because each diaper will fit each person differently. And each one will work slight differently too. It all depends on how fast or slow you pee, how much you pee each time, how active you are, how much sitting you do, what kind of seal against leaks you can get with a particular diaper, and exactly how long you need to go in between each change. There are just too many variables for anyone else to give you an exact answer.

Though in my opinion, and from the list you give. These 3 below will probably be a good place for you to start off with. Just pick one and have your continence nurse set it up to have it shipped to you. Then after a month report back to them on how well it's working or not. If not, then switch it with a different one. And repeat that for as long as you need, till you find one that really does work for you.

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