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Congrats on owning it, and double so for being so open about it. I also liked how you said it's better for pee to be out than in. And can attest to that as well. Not being able to stop yourself from going is nothing when compared to the life threatening pain of not being able to release it at all.

At first I too also struggled with not wanting to be noticed wearing or even "embracing" diapers. And let me just say, a thin diaper that has leaked is WAY more noticable than a thick one that has done its job. Like you mentioned, you have to use what works best for you. And double so for using what's needed to be confident you won't leak.

And yes, going from accepting incontinence to embracing diapers was big and freeing for me too. It really is a game changer for ones mental stability and stress reduction. I personally choose to wear Crinklz (with cute prints) instead of Betterdry (the same diaper but plain white). And while I try to never expose my diapers, in the extremely rare occurance someone sees them (dr appointments, massages, etc), I get far more compliments on the prints than any questions or complaints.

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6 hours ago, Slomo said:

Congrats on owning it, and double so for being so open about it. I also liked how you said it's better for pee to be out than in. And can attest to that as well. Not being able to stop yourself from going is nothing when compared to the life threatening pain of not being able to release it at all.

At first I too also struggled with not wanting to be noticed wearing or even "embracing" diapers. And let me just say, a thin diaper that has leaked is WAY more noticable than a thick one that has done its job. Like you mentioned, you have to use what works best for you. And double so for using what's needed to be confident you won't leak.

And yes, going from accepting incontinence to embracing diapers was big and freeing for me too. It really is a game changer for ones mental stability and stress reduction. I personally choose to wear Crinklz (with cute prints) instead of Betterdry (the same diaper but plain white). And while I try to never expose my diapers, in the extremely rare occurance someone sees them (dr appointments, massages, etc), I get far more compliments on the prints than any questions or complaints.

Being comfortable and confident diapered is the key

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