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  2. @sjaeger172004 I agree with @Iken: You are NOT a freak, You are dealing with medical issues that have been causing you issues. We all have our issues that we deal with, and I can tell you from experience that when i started having issues with incontinence, it took me a while to understand that it is *NOT* something that I should have to sweat over, because there are many people in the world who deal with it everyday. When I went for the Colo last June, I was as prepared as I could be, and I a glad that I brought my own diapers with me, because the ones they give you to use at the hospital are AWFUL, and they would NOT be able to deal with what you would release during the procedure preparation. We all have to make tough decisions throughout our lives: I resisted so hard trying to deal with incontinence issues, and then one day, I started realizing that "hey, I know what I should do", and I made it HAPPEN: The first thing I did was ask for help from the doctor, and he told me "It takes a lot of guts for someone to come in here and ask for the help you did, and I am proud of you!" That part done, the next part was to FINALLY do something I had resisted, but KNEW that my next action would help me: Join Daily Diapers: They helped me in so many ways: I had not become a member there, but KNEW where I could get the help and support I needed: and the rest is history. I am GLAD that I made the decision that I made, and each time I have a situation where I have an accident, I think "I am glad I have my diapers, thank GOD for that!" You should NOT hate the relief that you are experiencing: I would be the opposite, and hate the pain and the inconvenience that this would cause. I used to worry about what people would say/think/do when or if they found that i was using diapers, but the worry was dissipated QUICKLY, because I know that there are people with disabilities that use wheelchairs, and I know that there are people that wear and use diapers, for many reasons, and there are those of us that use other means to deal with incontinence issues. The best solution is the one that works for YOU! Do not feel guilt or embarrassment because you may want to wear diapers, or because you may find some relief from constant pain or discomfort: Many people wear diapers, for many reasons, and some people (like me) wear because it helps me deal with Incontinence, as well as the feeling and urges that I have always dealt with: and the thing I like is: I DON'T have to HIDE anything anymore, and I accept that I need them. I don't want medication, because it causes side effects, and that is not what I want, but because I have enough meds now! Take care 🙂 Brian
  3. I used to use these. They are pretty decent, and good for their cost. They aren't the best for using with plastic backed disposables though, unless you also add some sort of fixing pants or underwear in between them. That's because when a disposable leaks, that urine won't have anywhere to go. It absolutely will saturate the elastic edges and will quickly leak past them. But pairing them with any kind of reusable cloth diaper and they perform well. Also, you get what you pay for so don't expect them to last more than a year or so (life expectancy varies with how well you take care of them).
  4. I mostly agree, a few had just too cheap tapes though.
  5. I always liked the third tape, much snugger fit around the hips.
  6. Soft and discreetly quiet, they are full cut with an extra wide crotch and are available in four popular colors, including Milky White, Pastel Blue, Pastel Pink and Pastel Yellow https://shrsl.com/4ia35
  7. Earlier
  8. A long time ago, when adult diapers had little absorbency, there were diapers with three sets of tapes. Then they started eliminating the middle tapes.
  9. Not to side track this thread, but the best I've found w/o a landing zone is Betterdry/Crinklz. We could definitely stand for something even better than this though.
  10. Frankly, I would gladly do without the front plastic taping panel as it limits the space between the tapes and restricts how we can tape. I can achieve a much better fit without the taping panel as the tapes are further apart and I can position them optimally. I do have fewer leaks this way. I would like to have a high-capacity diaper without the panel. --John
  11. I did try their elite Premium ones for day and night (before they released the night time version) and about every other one leaked at the back of my legs. Mind you they were barely half saturated at that point, with the back of the diaper still bone dry. Thankfully my PUL pants saved me from also having wet pants. Of course, I get that same lack of performance with every diaper that has "no lower tapes". And these ones fit that description, with one set of tapes placed right at the middle of the back wings, and one more set placed above that. I just wonder how long it will be before one of these manufacturers start adding the third set of lower tapes. Now that is a great fit, which I've tested by adding my own extra tape. They end up being really snug, have almost no diaper sag when soaked, and no premature leaks.
  12. As I work my way through the bag, I continue to be impressed by these. Always feel dry and no leaks. Velcro tabs hold well.
  13. Yesterday I had an evening social engagement with family in a nearby town. To preclude the need to change at an awkward time and place, I wore an InControl BeDry Night diaper. Worn under my jeans, one could not tell that I had on a diaper. I wore the diaper for 9 hours by the time I was back home. At that time it still felt comfortable and had some absorbency left. I wore another BeDry Night diaper last night. It now is morning and I waited until after my morning coffee, news, and breakfast to change. I have had the diaper on for a total of 10 hours and, once again, the diaper feels comfortable. The diaper is rated for ISO 12,000ml maximum absorbency. Although I used a mere fraction of that figure, it did provide me with comfort and confidence. I have tried the InControl BeDry Premium with ISO 7,500ml absorbency and found it to be a great day diaper as well as suitable for nights. Next I need to try the middle of the three BeDry diapers - InControl BeDry EliteCare Premium - the one with ISO 10,000ml of absorbency. This diaper has almost as much absorbency as the BeDry Night diaper but at a more affordable price point. Has anyone tested this diaper? --John
  14. Agreed. I just tried one and was dry and comfortable this morning. I have to wear my usual night diaper with a large booster pad and get better absorption from the BeDry Night. The very tall internal standing leak guards should serve those of us who also are bowel incontinent well. --John
  15. Wore one last night for the first time. Impressive capacity, kept me dry overnight and I still felt dry in the morning. Comfortable fit, slightly wider in the center, which I like for gap free thigh folds. InControl BeDry Night
  16. For the leg bag I can't recommend getting a leg bag sleeve well enough. It's elastic and comfortably holds a urine leg bag in place, even when it's near full. I got mine from Amazon as well. Also do an Amazon search for "adaptive shorts with side snaps". Some are more discrete than others and may require searching through the results.
  17. Hi all Well another month atleast with this Foley/Indwelling Catheter in well I need something supportive to strap it better and more comfy as had an issue where it tugged a little and well blood in bag. I use a 500ml day bag and the supplied straps as so uncomfortable and irritates me (I gave sensory issues ADHD and AUTISM) and find I have to always readjust it as well as the velcro is so annoying. As well as I am also looking for adaptive pants/shorts that open at the side (unnoticeable) I walk mostly and sometimes in a wheelchair and need the day bag upper thigh as I have issues bending (spinal issues) but hopefully the government will supply me with a portable Mobility Scooter (already did trials with OT). Would prefer from Amazon as I live in Australia Measurements are 117cm hips 104cm waist 97cm from waist to feet (Pants) 42cm from waist down (shorts) Many thanks
  18. Hi I am wondering where to buy Bambino Ultra stretch internationally as may be cheaper than buying in Australia. Bambino.com does not ship here Many thanks
  19. First of all, you're not a freak. You have issues that you are dealing with.
  20. @sjaeger172004 First and most importantly, you are NOT a freak! You are dealing with a messed up lot in life the best you can. Stay in touch with your psychiatrist and other support, and keep after the doctors to get a solution.
  21. It's been a few years since I've flown for travel, but just today I flew to Niagara Falls NewYork for the upcoming solar eclipse. I had changed my diaper before heading to the airport, but being functionally incontinent I was a little wet going through security. And sure enough, as I went through the millimeter wave detector it flagged my crotch red. I was pulled into a private screen room and was matter-of-fact forward about my incontinence and that I was wearing a diaper. The agent was pretty chill out it, but said I'd have to show him. I did, and he said sorry-thank you, before I was on my way. Total time was only a few extra minutes. The funny thing is my go-to diaper is Crinklz (with the babyfur prints). They had a recent shortage though, and LL Medical had only just got Betterdry (plain white) back in, so I was wearing one of them. It would have been interesting to say the least if I was wearing my usual though. So does anyone else have any TSA or traveling-while-diapered stories?
  22. Been there, done that. I had severe urge incontinence with a neurogenig dyssynergia sphincter (blockage). The pain would get unbearable, and happened all too often. It tried it all, meds were ineffective and/or came with worse side effects. An interstim implant actually made things worse. And the only relief I ever had was when I was catheterized. Worst still was most urologist were quacks who refused to even believe I had a problem (I couldn't complete a urodynamics test by peeing out the catheter due to my blockage). Eventually I met a urologist at the Mayo Clinic, and he actually believed my complaints and worked with me to get that diagnosis. But I was so bad by that point I had multiple hemorrhoids, a bleeding anal fissure, gout, and indications my kidneys were in danger of shutting down. He wanted to do a stoma surgery (literally make a new pee hole), but i convinced him to do a series of sphincterotomy surgeries instead. He still hesitated saying the surgery would make me incontinent and reliant on diapers. But I countered it wouldn't since I had long ago already been urge incontinent and reliant on diapers. It ultimately took 15 surgeries, including removing my prostate! But I am finally able to live without constant pain. And with a plus of not floodings my diaeprs and worrying about leaks. Totally worth it. So yeah, you're not a freak for wanting to be diapered. Ps. I say when life gives you lemons, you learn to like lemonade. And when life gives you incontinence, you learn to like diapers.
  23. Hi all Currently in mental hell at the moment had Bladder botox (Bladder neck an Urethral Spinter on the 25 March) and had to have Indwelling Catheter due to retention issues on the 27th. OMG the relief from my bladder sensory issues Not having to wake up 4-5time per night to travel to bathroom which occasionally causes falls. Able to drink water without Bladder giving me issues so was restricted to soda based or other drinks. As well as other bladder issues I have had since 2009 since spinal injury. I really hate myself enjoying this relief (I am to keep this in til the 22 May when my urologist comes back) and I want a solution where he operates on me internally to have the same relief as the catheter (already been in full taped diapers since 2009 and find them comfortable) OMFG I feel like such a freak to the point I emailed my treating Consultant Psychiatrist of 3 years regarding this and requesting a Psychiatric assessment as well as psychologist as they both know I have been suffering. I suffer from under and overactive bladder and retention and can not safely self cath due to bad essential tremors in hands (had previous urological staff give up on me as I refused on medical grounds) I also have Autism, Bipolar and ADHD and since 2009 spinal issues at l3l4l5 s1 which neurosurgeon has written no treatment or surgery was an option. I was for a permanent solution for health safety (retention) as well as Quality of life solution but I feel so fucking messed up in the head that I am taking valium more regularly (Psychiatrist knows but isn't concerned as he did a phone safety check up on me after the emails I sent him)
  24. I've been where you are, and also had severe urge incontinence with a neurological dyssynergia sphincter (blockage). I too had botox done, twice. And each time it only made my problems worse. Which I also ended up with an indwelling catheter (IDC) for about 3 months when it wore off (not 6 months). I also had an Interstim implant, but that made things even worse. And forget all the useless meds I tried- and their bad side effects. The only time I was without pain or peeing problems was when I was cathed. As for comfort with them. Get a leg bag, AND with a sock/sack holder. Those straps don't work good, but the sock does. My urologist at the Mayo clinic eventually confirmed I'd be ok with the cath draining into a diaper. BIG caveat there though. You can't be prone to UTIs, have to drink cranberry or take cranberry pills every day, and must stay extremely well hydrated. So long as it's constantly flushing itself out, UTI risk stays pretty low. I'd also add, if you can get one, put a 1-way valve on the cath too. I did end up getting the surgery to become functionally incontinent. Which for me meant FIFTEEN sphincterotomy type surgeries. AND having my prostrate removed (due to developing a bad stricture blockage). I can confirm that being functionally incontinent (and stable) is MUCH better than living with constant painful urges and straining to pee.
  25. Yeah. I developed Gout by trying to restrict my water intake. It's a buildup of uric acid crystals in the hands and feet. And wow is it painful. I also had kidney problems from it too. You REALLY do not want to drink too little water. Bedwetting is nothing compared to Gout and Kidney failure.
  26. Not overly hydrating is ok but restricting fluids is not a good idea. Concentrated urine can make you more likely to have an accident. Often just preparing for the bed wetting is the better way. I'm a bed wetter too. --John
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