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Everything posted by TooManyJaffaCakes

  1. Hello, 19F here. I started bed wetting when I was around 15-16. I feel it was my fault as I started participating in trying the peegasm where you hold in your pee and it gives good feelings. I never realised the danger of this and this all started. I was ashamed but had to get it checked out as I couldn't keep it away from my mother anymore. They put me through all these tests and everything was fine, the only thing they could offer me was medication that I didn't really feel comfortable taking but I did as it was getting so bad. I still have accidents most nights, they're just not as intense. The only odd thing is that I've noticed when I'm in a completely new bed, I'm completely fine, at least for the first couple of nights. Anyone else had this? I suppose my nerve endings are getting worse as recently during the day I've found myself having a sudden urge to go to the loo. I find this mostly sitting down. I've got a doctors appointment soon but I fear that they're just going to shove more pills in me, I want to get to the root problem and fix it!! Thank you!!
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